how to protect yourself from diseases from tib e nabvi
Just as every treatment has its own precautions, so too are some of the precautions for spiritual treatment:
1. Do not associate anyone with Allah Almighty. Be sure that your every need will be fulfilled by Allah Almighty, for example, ask for sustenance, children, health and all your needs only from Allah Almighty. Believing that He provides me with sustenance from any living or non-living person other than Allah, the Lord of Glory, is shirk and there is no forgiveness for the polytheist. Shirk is a great injustice.
2. Perform the prayer on time and in congregation with full attention and ease. This will, if Allah the Almighty wills, give you peace of mind. Perform ablution with a toothpick. The toothpick is extremely useful for all diseases of the mouth and teeth, and the reward is also great. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The toothpick is a means of purifying the mouth and pleasing the Lord.” (Nasa’i, Ahmad)

- Recite Astaghfirullah at least 100 times a day or night or recite any other Sunnah. By asking forgiveness from Allah, Allah forgives sins, removes worldly worries and diseases.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever makes it obligatory to seek forgiveness, Allah will make for him a means of escape from every sorrow and a means of relief from every distress and will provide him with sustenance from a place he never imagines.” (Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah) - His income should be lawful: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned a man who travels a long distance and is covered in dust, then raises his hand to the sky and says, “O Lord, O Lord,” while his food and drink are all forbidden, and his food and clothing are forbidden. How can his prayer be accepted? (Muslim) 5. Give some charity every day, even if it is a small amount. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Charity extinguishes the fire of Allah’s anger and protects from a bad death.” (Tirmidhi) “Whoever breaks someone’s fast with a sip of water or milk or a date, Allah will give him a reward equal to that of the fasting person, without any decrease in the reward of the fasting person.” (Bayhaqi) 6. Be clean and pure: If possible, take a Sunnah bath daily (or at least every Friday) as follows: “When taking a bath, first wash both hands, then pour water from your right hand over your left hand and clean your private parts, then wash your hands by hitting them with soil (or with soap), then perform ablution as for prayer (except for the feet). Then, wet the roots of your hair with water with your fingers and pour water on your head for 3 minutes, then pour water over your entire body (and head), and finally wash both feet.” (Bukhari) Taking a bath removes diseases, while not doing so carries the risk of contracting diseases. 7. Be sure to read some Quran with its translation every day, and also act on the Quran, because the Quran is a cure for every disease and a source of peace of mind. The divine decree is:
- And we sent down from the Qur’an what is healing and merciful to the believers.
- (Translation) “And We send down the Qur’an which is a mercy for the believers.”
- (Bani Israel 17:82)
- Except with the remembrance of Allah, the hearts are reassured.
- (Translation) “Hearers, with the remembrance of Allah, their hearts are at ease.” (Al-Ra’d 13:28)
- (Zikr here refers to reading or listening to the Qur’an)