How to get a daughter’s relationship quickly

One should not delay in marrying off one’s son/daughter without a legitimate excuse, because Allah says: (Translation) “And marry those of you who are single, and your female slaves and your male slaves (when they reach puberty). If they are in need, Allah will enrich them out of His grace. And Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.” (An-Nur 24:32)

Note: Single people include single men, single women, divorced women, widows and orphans. This is the command of Allah Almighty. ﴾ Ankhuwa is a verb form of the command. Which means “marry.” ﴾
Under this command, parents or guardians should marry their children as soon as possible after they reach adulthood, and the same applies to widows, divorcees and orphans.

Violating the commands of Allah Almighty leads to various diseases and troubles in this world and may also lead to punishment in the Hereafter. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) strictly forbade fathers from delaying the marriage of their children (without any legitimate excuse). ﴾ Lack of money is not a legitimate excuse. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded:

“Whoever has a son (or daughter) should give him a good name and teach him good manners, and when he reaches puberty, he should marry him off. If he does not marry him off after puberty and he commits a sin (fornication), then the sin will be on his father as well.” (Bayhaqi)

When the relationship comes, do the following:

1 On the day when the daughter is to be shown to the boy’s parents (keep Monday or Thursday as these are blessed days), show her preferably after Maghrib prayer. On that day, let the daughter sleep for at least an hour after Zuhr prayer so that she can rest and feel refreshed. After that, she should take a bath and pray 2 rak’ahs of Hajat prayer and pray to Allah the Almighty that if this relationship is good for her in religion and worldly affairs, then Allah Almighty should make this relationship a source of happiness for everyone. (Amen)

  1. First of all, do Istikhara (Bukhari). For details, read “The Night and Day of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Part One” (The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught you to do Istikhara yourself. It is not necessary to have a dream in Istikhara. Do whatever Allah, the Most High, directs your heart towards. During the relationship, keep reciting this dua every day until a decision is made:

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